Can ergonomics improve wellbeing in the workplace? | How important is workplace ergonomics to the British public?

In modern society, many of us spend the working day staring at a computer screen for several hours. Though an office working environment is highly popular, employees may face certain drawbacks, affecting their physical and mental health. Many people may believe this discomfort comes with their role, particularly those working the typical nine-to-five daily. However, this does not need to be the case; simple solutions exist to resolve these issues and implement a healthier wellbeing in the workplace.

As a business owner, your employees’ health and safety are necessary to promote a positive company culture. It is important to address and resolve any concerns with easy-to-implement proposals, such as focusing on office ergonomics.

In this guide, we will explore the relationship between poor ergonomics and wellbeing in the workplace, and ergonomic solutions to consider for your employees.

How does poor ergonomics in the workplace affect your overall wellbeing?

Ergonomics refers to the examination of people in their workplace. This research looks at ways in which a poor office setup may either negatively or positively affect an employee and gives special attention to designing specific products to offer the best fit for the user. Ergonomic factors to consider include seating, workstation layout, lighting, and equipment design.

Due to poor desk ergonomics, physical issues may arise that cause either short- or long-term effects. When these factors are not addressed, employees may suffer from common health problems, including back, shoulder and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and repetitive strain injury (RSI). This occurs when remaining seated for long periods in uncomfortable positions.

According to original research, the majority of respondents (58%) answered that, in some way, poor ergonomics in the office had affected their wellbeing.

How has poor office equipment affected your wellbeing?

Infographic showing the main ergonomic injuries that the British public highlighted were back pain (86%), eye strain (43%), and bad posture (43%).

The main ergonomic injuries that the British public highlighted were back pain (86%), eye strain (43%), and bad posture (43%).

However, though these are often common among office workers, ergonomics is not limited to physical problems. In fact, researchers have found that poor ergonomics also may impact your mental health, including stress, decreased morale, and reduced productivity, amongst other issues.

In a study conducted by BMC, sedentary behaviour (which includes activities such as working at a computer) is not only associated with physical problems, but it can also increase the risk of anxiety.

To help address and resolve these issues, ergonomics should be prioritised and studied to see how it can be improved. Simple ergonomic solutions may help reduce the risk of both poor physical and mental wellbeing.

Find out more about ergonomics and why it is important in the workplace with our expert guide here.

Does the British public believe workplace ergonomics is important?

In a study conducted by CMD, no respondents believe that ergonomics is not important in the workplace:

Do you think ergonomics is important in the workplace?

Do you think ergonomics is important in the workplace

Whether they have experienced an ergonomic injury or not, British employees recognise the importance of ergonomics in the workplace. Without support, poor office equipment directly impacts the health and safety of your employees.

In addition, ergonomics enhances productivity and efficiency. When employees are comfortable and supported in their work environment, they can focus more effectively on their tasks without the distraction of discomfort or pain. This leads to improved concentration, faster task completion, and overall higher output.

The impact of ergonomics on overall wellbeing cannot be overstated. As aforementioned, poor ergonomics can lead to various physical and mental health issues, which, combined, impact an employee’s overall wellbeing. Though occurring in the workplace, nothing stops a diminished wellbeing from leaving the office and following employee’s home into their social lives.

When asked, respondents stated that they believe, in some way, ergonomics affects overall workplace wellness:

Do you believe ergonomics in the workplace would affect your overall wellbeing?

Do you believe ergonomics in the workplace would affect your overall wellbeing?

When individuals are constantly battling physical discomfort at work, it can be challenging to maintain a positive attitude and motivation. This can lead to decreased job satisfaction and a higher likelihood of burnout.

Ergonomic solutions can easily address these issues through the office layout, desk setups, and employee emotional support. Workspaces designed with ergonomics in mind promote comfort, reduce stress, and foster a positive work environment. Employees may feel supported and valued, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction, engagement, and overall wellbeing.

Which ergonomic office products and solutions can improve your wellbeing in the workplace?

Firstly, consider educating staff on the best ergonomic solutions they can implement themselves. This includes the correct keyboard height, how they hold their mouse, chair height and how to adapt to using a laptop if necessary.

Find out more about the correct setup for an ergonomic workstation with our expert guide here.

Further ergonomic solutions for your employees include:

Breakout spaces

Creating dedicated breakout areas with comfortable seating and natural light provides employees with opportunities to relax, socialise, and recharge away from their desks. It is a great opportunity to promote socialising and a chance for employees to take a break away from their desks whilst still having a functional working area.

Breakout spaces encourage movement and interaction, reducing sedentary behaviour and promoting employee wellbeing.

For more information on how to enhance productivity and creativity with the perfect office setup, read our previous original research piece here.

Adjustable and sit-stand desks

NHS research has found that sitting for too long during the day may increase the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and musculoskeletal pain.

Adjustable desks allow employees to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day, reducing the negative effects of prolonged sitting and promoting better circulation. It is recommended to alternate frequently between a standing and sitting position. This helps avoid staying in one position for too long and leaves ample opportunity to stretch your employee’s legs, taking breaks to reduce fatigue and restlessness.

Recommended sit-stand workstation:

the Active Sit-Stand Workstation

Shop the Active Sit-Stand Workstation here.

The Active Electric Sit-Stand Workstation promotes a healthier working environment. With a quick and easy assembly, this ergonomic product converts any desk into a more flexible workspace.

For more information on how to correctly use a sit-stand desk, read our full guide here.

Monitor arms

It is recommended that a monitor should be directly in front of the user, with the top of the screen at eye level.

Monitor arms enable users to easily adjust their computer monitors’ height, tilt, and angle, allowing for optimal ergonomic positioning. Proper monitor placement reduces eye strain, neck tension, and shoulder fatigue, promoting comfort and productivity.

Recommended monitor arm:

 the Vision HD monitor arm here.

Shop the Vision HD monitor arm here.

Our ergonomic range includes the Vision Heavy Duty (HD) and Vision S monitor arms that can be tailored to meet your working environment’s specific needs. For larger or heavier screens, the Vision HD is highly versatile and supports two screens that can be adjusted depending on the user.

Browse our entire range of ergonomic office products here.


How can CMD help?

At CMD, we create ergonomic solutions for offices of all sizes to maximise the workplace and help reduce any discomfort or poor wellbeing. By creating a healthier work environment, productivity and performance can be improved, helping create an overall positive communal space.

In stock, we have a range of ergonomic solutions, including monitor arms and cable management, as well as power distribution and workstation power systems.

If you have any questions or would like more information on our ergonomic range, contact the CMD team today.

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