Betatrak Powertrack

Betatrak Feed Unit

Betatrak Tap-offs

Betatrak Flexible Corners
Power Distribution
CMD Ltd design and manufacture innovative, quality power distribution systems that are used in some of the most high-profile commercial office, retail and hospitality spaces. We pride ourselves on being able to offer a full range of connectivity from the powertrack and power hub systems to floor boxes or access grommets that bring the power to the user via a range of under desk, in desk, or on desk power modules. With an unrivalled technical specification team and a focused commitment to customer service, CMD are your ideal partner for all your commercial office power requirements.
32A Power Hub
Find out more
+44(0)1709 385485
20 Series (Single Box Base)
20A Series (Separate Box Base)
20A Series RCD/RCBO (Separate Box base)
99 Series (Single Box Base)
22 Series Stainless Steel Floor Box (Single Box Base)
90 Series Stainless Steel (Single Box Base)
3 Compartment Plates
4 Compartment Plates
Cable Grommet (127mm Cut Out)
Cable Grommet (210mm Cut Out)
Call our dedicated Sales team on +44(0)1709 385485
Cable Hive (127mm Cut Out)
Cleaner’s Hives (127mm Cut Out)
RCD Protected Cleaner’s Hive (127mm Cut Out)
Power Hive (127mm Cut Out)
RCD Protected Power Hive (127mm Cut Out)
Cable Hive (210mm Cut Out)
Power Hive (210mm Cut Out)
RCD Protected Power Hive (210mm Cut Out)
Data Cable Hive (210mm Cut Out)
Power and Data Cable Hive (210mm Cut Out)
RCD Protected Power and Data Cable Hive (210mm Cut Out)
Clear advice
+44(0)1709 385485